Blog Assignment # 6
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
This is a very interesting video. Before this class (EDM 310), I really did not realize how much you can actually learn online. I also did not realize how much more advanced schools and classrooms are than when I was in school only a few years ago. It amazes me. There are computers in classrooms that students actually use. Teachers have smart boards and other technology they use. I had never even seen a smart board until this year. I had heard about them but never seen them, and now they are everywhere.
I have been doing service hours in a 3rd grade classroom. These kids know how to create wordles. I just learned how to create a wordle in this class. I honestly had never even heard of a wordle until this class. They also have a moodle. (A moodle is basically the same thing as USA Online and Blackboard.) I had my first online class my first year of college, and these kids are in the 3rd grade!
As of right now, I am not prepared to be a teacher of a networked student. I am still learning some of the basics. I am getting better though, and I hope by the time I finish this class I will be more confident. I am not only willing to learn, but also eager. I will be prepared by the time I graduate, because I now know where to start to learn the things I need to know to teach a networked student.
A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
I am impressed and amazed. There is so much you can do on computers that I had no idea about. I also feel a little ashamed that this 7th grader is more advanced than I am. It motivates me to keep learning and exploring as much as I can. My PLN is nothing like this 7th grader’s. I hope that mine will eventually become as detailed and expansive as this one.
The Machine is Changing Us by Michael Wesch
I really enjoyed watching this video. It was very entertaining. I loved the hand messages and the free hugs. I personally don’t use YouTube very often, but I have watched some of the more popular videos. I do think that people use YouTube to come out of their shells and really open up to others. There are some crazy videos out there. I think sites like YouTube help individuals to be heard and just share experiences with other human beings. I am all for unity whether it is in person or through a website. As long as people are connecting positively, that is all that matters.
I was definitely like you, before EDM 310, I knew how to check my email, Facebook, and type something in word. I never realized all the things the internet actually offered. I was also impressed with the 7th graders PLN. She seemed to have life pretty much figured out.
ReplyDeleteI love your humility. I definitely do not think you should be ashamed of what you do not know. Not everyone is given the opportunity to use technology and access the internet. You obviously did not have this opportunity, so whose fault is this? It definitely is not the students, but I honestly have a hard time figuring out why so many students are not given the opportunities that are so easy to access. Technology is a key part of education now, and it definitely enhances a student's learning. I think the idea of a PLN is wonderful; however, like you, many students you teach might not have access. What do you think are the benefits of a PLN, and how do you think you can incorporate it into your own classroom?
I think with your attitude and determination, you will definitely be prepared to teach a networked student. You seem to be willing to learn new things, so even if you do not know everything, which none of us do, I am sure you will find ways to continue your intellectual journey.