"What I've Learned This Year"
by: Mr. McClung
Mr. McClung's post is very insightful and helpful. It is a post that all future teachers should read. In his post, he basically told anyone who wants to be a teacher to do the following things:
1.) Make sure students are understanding
2.) Be flexible
3.) Communicate with teachers and students
4.) Have reasonable expectations
5.) Do not be afraid of technology
6.) Listen to students
7.) Be a lifelong learner
This is great advice for all teachers. These are key things that in order to be a good teacher you should do. I will definitely remember this post if I am fortunate enough to get a teaching job one day.
This is great advice, and a good model for future teachers. Mr. McClung’s post is an example of the kind of reflection it takes to be a good teacher. As teachers we must constantly reflect on what we are doing, why we are doing it, and whether or not what we are doing benefits the students. I believe that as long as we do this and keep the students in the center, all of the rest of it will fall into place. SS
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed Mr. McClung's post as well. As a COE student, I have heard over and over how difficult the first year of teaching will be. I hope that I will handle it as well as Mr. McClung and keep his suggestions in mind. Great job with your blog!