Sunday, November 14, 2010

For this project, I emailed this form to 27 people. I had 18 people fill out the form out of 27. I will list the questions below and the results for each question.

1. How often are you on the internet?
1 -Rarely 0 0%
2 0 0%
3 0 0%
4 0 0%
5 –Everyday 18 100%

2. Which devices do you use to access the internet? (Check all that apply.)
Cell Phone 9 50%
Laptop 16 89%
Desktop Computer 8 44%
IPad 1 6%
Computer Provided by the School or Public Library 6 33%
Other 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

3. What type of internet provider do you use?
Cable Internet 11 61%
Local Phone Company 3 17%
Satellite Internet 0 0%
Cell Phone Company (Verizon, AT&T, Cellular South, etc) 8 44%
Other 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

4. Which internet browser do you use most often?
Internet Explorer 8 44%
Firefox 6 33%
Google Chrome 6 33%
Safari 7 39%
Other 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

5. What is the most common reason you use the internet?
Work 0 0%
School 11 61%
Personal 7 39%
Other 0 0%

6. Which search engine do you use most often?
Yahoo! 0 0%
Google 18 100%
MSN 0 0%
Ask Jeeves 0 0%
Google Squared 0 0%
Bing 0 0%

7. What social networking websites do you use?
MySpace 1 6%
Facebook 17 94%
Twitter 5 28%
Other 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

8. What website is your home page? – 11 1 1 2 2 1

9. How many computers do you own?
1 11 61%
2 5 28%
3 2 11%
4 or more 0 0%

10. What brand(s) of computer do you own? (Check all that apply.)
Apple (Mac) 3 17%
HP 6 33%
Gateway 3 17%
Dell 7 39%
Sony 0 0%
Toshiba 3 17%
Acer 1 6%
Other 1 6%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.


According to this survey, everyone that answered is on the internet at some point every day.

Nine out of eighteen students use their cell phones to access the internet. Sixteen out of eighteen students use laptops to access the internet. Eight out of eighteen students use desktop computers to access the internet. One student uses an I Pad to access the internet, and six out of eighteen students use computers provided by a school or public library to access the internet.

Eleven out of eighteen students use cable internet, three out of eighteen uses a local phone company, and eight out of eighteen use a cell phone company as their internet provider.

Eight out of eighteen students uses Internet Explorer, six uses Firefox, six uses Google Chrome, and seven uses Safari as the internet browser.

Eleven out of eighteen students use the internet primarily for school, and seven out of eighteen students use the internet primarily for personal use.

Everyone who answered this survey uses Google as their primary search engine.

One out of eighteen students use MySpace. Seventeen out of eighteen students use Facebook. Five out of eighteen students use Twitter.

Eleven students out of eighteen use as their home page. One student uses, one uses, two students use, two students use, and one student uses

Eleven students own one computer, five students own two computers, and two students own three computers.

Three students own Apple(Mac) computers, six own HPs, three own Gateways, seven own Dells, three own Toshibas, one owns an Acer, and one owns something other than what was listed.

From this survey, I have learned that everyone that took the survey use the computer at least once a day. Most of these students use their computers primarily for school work. I also learned that everyone who took this survey use Google as their primary search engine.

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